
Friday, November 11, 2011

Eviction Notice Coming Soon!!

Today, I am 34 weeks.  I know it sounds awful but I am not one of those people who is "loving" being pregnant right now!!! I am so ready for Rhett  to be here and to not be pregnant anymore!!!  Pretty soon I am going to give Rhett an eviction notice!!! My class just keeps growing and so does my belly!! I feel like it gets bigger everyday!  Which to Tyler and I seems crazy because we didn't think I could get any bigger! Apparently, I can!
Me, Ranger, and Rhett Ervin Dudley~34 Weeks

This week I have been getting more and more excited and ready for Rhett's arrival!  I have been getting things ready and have even bought a couple things that Rhett (I) just couldn't live without!!!

Cute little Ranger shirt!!

And the matching socks!!

Rhett's Diaper Bag!

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